Feeling exhausted and resisting my heavy eyelids from closing, I'm trying to create my 21th post.
I participated in a treasure hunt contest held by YMM ( Young Malaysian Movement ) in this morning. There were twenty groups which consisted of two persons each, riding bicycles and solving the tricky and mind-boggling questions all along the 50km roads. We scoped out every details in banners, shop signs and even the small torn advertisements of illegal money lending which were pasted everywhere especially for the questions which required us to find the small codes, serial number or something like that. Some of the other questions didn't deal with luck so much, instead, the logical thinking and analysing ability would do. We violated the rules by grouping six contestants as one of our strategies. It worked so well. We deceived the other contestants by distracting their attention to the wrong spot intentionally ( it was funny ) rather than staring at the object that supposed to be the answer. This was our strategy too. We were requested to collect the aluminium cans we found anywhere while protecting a small egg given by the authority. We ended up by winning RM30 each after dividing the cash we had won equally :p
It is a creative activity in promoting green environment, no cars, no pollution.
Lost Stars
5 years ago
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