If you are a streamyx user, I suppose you at least called TMnet Streamyx customer service once before. Yes, I'm one of the Internet users who are always displeased by the snail speed service provided by streamyx. Feeling frustrated, my family had changed the so called "money-saving-package" from RM88 per month to RM66 after finding it promised more than it provided. We have been calling for customer service but it couldn't really help a lot. They insisted us to perform the similar procedure every time, that is restarting our router which we had done it by ourselves about more than a thousand times. Apart from that, I'm afraid I couldn't find anyone of my friends who is satisfied in his or her broadband service too. However, according to my friend who has been studying in Singapore for a while, the speedy broadband which enables the users to establish its connection to stream smoothly even in a car, is now available there at a much cheaper cost. It is saddening when our ministries are planning whatever plans in conjunction with vision 2020 which has something to do with multimedia advancement while we are still troubleshooting the basic and minor line problems.
Some of the constructions in our country are fragile enough no matter how much money derived from the tax payers our government has invested in. It was clearly shown when the roof of the RM300 million 50,000 capacity Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak collapsed within one year of completion. Fortunately no human life was taken, but we can't ensure for the next time if we are lucky, can we? I'm not going to push all the responsibilities to the contractors but I wonder why the government would give full trust to the bumiputra contractors who know only appointing sub contractors who in turn appoint "sub-sub contractors" and then "sub-sub-sub contractors". These companies don't have the intention to build them and what they know is just securing the government projects to earn big money by providing "cheap materials". Certainly there are bribery and corruption in between the government and the cronies. I know, you know, without having to spell it out. It is interesting to wait for their explanation as there was an engineer who often jogged in the area of the stadium had officially informed and warned government agencies about the bending frame which held the roof. It just went to the deaf ears.
*Luckily I had saved this post in Word Pad before publishing or else I might have to write it again, it showed "page not found" after I clicked PUBLISH, frustrating huh?
Lost Stars
5 years ago
"Luckily I had saved this post in Word Pad before publishing or else I might have to write it again, it showed "page not found" after I clicked PUBLISH, frustrating huh?"
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it. You wrote the last paragraph in Webdings? Haha...
On Streamyx issues, I have often encountered slow services whenever I call them. I often wondered if they are really that busy (at 10.00 PM) and I would remain on the line for as long as I could, even if it means waiting for 10 minutes just to get them to answer that darn telephone and serve me for less than a minute.
Haha, at least it is unlimited...shuld be grateful ady. An quite cheap also.. but still it sucks, haha.
ReplyDeleteHi Henry :)
ReplyDeleteI did edit the post by adding the last paragraph -__-
I also wonder if they can know more about effective labor instead of procrastinating this and that.
Hi Ming Khai XD
I'm always feeling grateful to be an Internet user while there are a lot of really poor people who can't even afford a computer.
*thanks for visiting my blog*
Actually blogspot does automatically save your blog draft as you type, we wouldn't lose the whole thing even when the connection goes wrong when you click publish.
ReplyDeleteI see :)
ReplyDeleteBut it was troublesome when I couldn't browse through some networks which I was using to check for the definitions of some words that I didn't know or the grammar rules due to the connection problem :(