Most of the people find themselves tiring of having the annoying school examinations. It infiltrates the students' life by exerting enormous pressure towards them. The parents are practising kiasusism which is meant by " refrain from losing especially in term of academic ", they send their children to the tuition centres all the way without concerning much about their favor and freedom. Some of my friends even needed to attend more than ten tuition classes per week while preparing for SPM. How stuffy could their life be? This is an unhealthy phenomenon indeed. They had been allocating too much weightage on the examination grades. There had been many cases where the candidates suddenly burst into hysterical screaming while having their exams, which could be attributed to the invisible burden they ought to face all along the time.
Honestly, I enjoy examinations instead of terrifying myself about it. You are given a period of time to prepare yourself and you shall make full use of the time in order to give your best shot in the coming examination. You have the golden chance to test how much you've absorbed, how deeply you've understood and to which extent you've achieved. I love the free essay parts, all the ideas can have their own ways traversing the sentences. I don't like the teacher to deduct my marks for accusing that my points are slightly digressed. I would like to condemn the teachers who won't consider the answers that are not appearing in their marking scheme. In fact they are just lazy to check for the acceptable answer one by one.
I would never try to force myself to burn midnight old, flipping those reference books at the last minute. If it did work, perhaps I shouldn't "waste" so much time in doing daily revision. Despite of doing the same thing just before a few minutes examination started, normally I would only take a deep breath to relax myself. Somehow I feel that it is better for a candidate to sit down and pray silently at that moment.
Lost Stars
5 years ago
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