It was another agonizing brief period between the date JPA announced its scholarship recipient and the moment for those who failed to check if their appeals result in positive response. However I couldn't describe the second disappointment for those who are no doubt qualified to secure the scholarship. They are seemingly left aside, tasting the grievance. Uproar continues. Some of my friends are still blaming the scholarship distributing system by attribute its injustice to the hidden conspiracy. They are still struggling for their well deserved scholarship via political organisation while the others are utterly given up after rubbing their tears and concentrate on their pre-university course.
Some of the changing policies of JPA sound ridiculous to me, for instance, there is a recommer who applied for biotech or pharmacy ( I'm not sure ) but it all ended up by getting medicine course. He accepted it anyway. Another case that might convince you about their unpredictable respond is happening to a guy who initially secured a place in IPTS for the pharmacy course and did not appeal, was then given the oversea program to New Zealand. It reminds me about the technical problem occurred in the announcement of the list of candidates selected to study in University Sains Malaysia (USM) which irks the parents of the 4574 candidates who never expected such an absurd error to be happened. The above incidents could be a kind of disgrace towards our country.
However, there are also a group of lucky people who would never satisfy with what they had gained. They request to change their country despite being grateful and appreciate the coveted "shark fin". There comes a recommer who got Canada and she is not satisfied with the reason "I'm not fond of that country". Her thread was bashed heavily later. It has no wrong with feeling disappointed when you didn't get the country you prefer, but being not to appreciate it would be a kind of greediness indeed. This morning an auntie had called me to consult my opinion about her nephew, who is selected by JPA to pursue his dentistry course in India. She told me that his friend is selected to Australia so she would like to appeal again. She is ignorant indeed to degrade the dentistry of India.
Lost Stars
5 years ago
paragraph 3,the last two lines is "she told me that HIS friend...." or "she told me that HER friend...".u are confusing me.hahaha..........anyway,it's nice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction :)