Being a weak atheist, I always question myself, can human embrace to no religion? Without religion, can human still be able to generate and bring forth the civilisation assimilated with bloom, dignity and humanity? We shouldn't miss another point we must take into consideration: "Why is that religion there?"
Despite the different identities of each religion, I was so naive to categorise religions to an equal group of education based belief that has only been attempting to indoctrinate the followers without using justified theories in order to build a fine character. I have never been able to come so close to religious topics before stepping in a whole new environment which is totally different in comparison to Chinese Buddhist society I was bound and inclined to.
I was warmly invited to visit a church for my very first time in Subang. The to-and-fro trip took us two hours on the road. During that direct exposure, I learned a lot about perception of Christian towards the religion that has the greatest population of followers in the world. However the more I discover, the more I realise what I really need. Honestly, although I'm not a strong nor a devoted Buddhist, I felt embarrassed and challenged in the sense that I can't force myself to resonate with the talks given by those pastors. The reason is just simple, I don't believe in the existence of deities. Consequently, I felt so sorry whenever I rejected their invitations after that. I do appreciate their hospitality very much.
Besides, I constantly questioned my another housemate, a Bajau from Sabah who worships Allah. I asked something fairly sensitive, I consulted his opinion about why a Muslim can't convert, why Islam forbids pork etc. His told me he can't question or critic what has been stated in Al-Quran, he has no right and necessity to do so and it is possibly considered insulting the sacred ancient intellectual heritage.
On the other hand, I attended meetings held by newly formed Buddhist Society every week. Most of us had misunderstood Buddhism. Instead of religion, it should be called education by Dhama granted to mankind. There was a monk once told us: "If you are a free thinker, it is the best for you to attach to Buddhism."
We would always include this unique phenomenon whenever we were to write an essay concerning the mixture of compromised multiracial and multireligion background in our country, however those were the moments I felt I couldn't be more agree with that.